Paid Time Off

Paid Days Leave (PDL)

As a regular employee, you earn PDL based on the following accrual schedule:

Years of Service Maximum Days Accrued (8 hour work day) Hours per Pay Period
Less than 2* 26 8
2 30.5 9.36
3 32.5 9.94
4-6 33 10.24
7-8 34 10.52
9 35 10.82
10 36 11.11
11 37 11.40

*Must have completed probation period

  • PDL includes holidays, vacation, personal days and sick days.
  • PDL may be used for any approved absence three months after you become eligible for benefits.
  • Note: for 2023 calendar year and beyond, you may only carry over 1 times your PDL accrued from the previous year.
  • You will not accrue anything over the maximum accrual detailed above.
  • Once the total drops below the maximums noted above, you will begin to accrue PDL again.


  • Maximum accrual for full-time and part-time employees is based on the 80 hours per pay period maximum. Even if you are scheduled to work less, your maximum accrual is based on 80 hours per pay period maximum.
  • You can carry over the maximum accrual amount year to year, but you won’t begin accruing more PTO until time is used.
  • Upon termination, PTO is paid out at 50%.

Accrual Schedule for Directors & Above

All incentive-eligible employees who hold the position title “Director” or a title above are frontloaded 39 days of PTO each year, regardless of tenure. The seven paid company holidays are included in these 39 days of PTO.

Unused PTO is not paid out upon termination and expires at the end of the year. On January 1, your frontloaded PTO balance resets to 39 days.